Top 5 Alternatives for Esty


As an online marketplace for handmade, vintage, and unique factory-manufactured items, Etsy has carved out a significant niche. However, sellers often seek alternatives for various reasons, such as lower fees, better customization options, or access to a broader audience. This article explores five excellent alternatives to Etsy: Shopify, Amazon Handmade, Wix, eBay, and Bonanza. Each platform offers distinct features and advantages tailored to different types of sellers and business goals.



Shopify is a leading eCommerce platform used by millions of businesses worldwide. It provides a comprehensive suite of tools for building, managing, and scaling online stores. Its user-friendly interface, robust features, and extensive app ecosystem make it a top choice for many entrepreneurs.

Key Features

  1. User-Friendly Interface: Shopify’s intuitive dashboard makes it easy for users to set up and manage their online stores, even with minimal technical knowledge.
  2. Customization Options: With numerous themes and the ability to customize them via code or drag-and-drop, sellers can create a unique shopping experience.
  3. Integrated Payment Processing: Shopify Payments allows sellers to accept credit cards without third-party integrations, simplifying transactions.
  4. Scalable Plans: Shopify offers multiple pricing tiers, including Basic Shopify, Shopify, and Advanced Shopify, catering to businesses of all sizes. Additionally, Shopify Lite and Shopify Plus are available for smaller or enterprise-level businesses.

Tips for Getting Started

  • Choose the Right Plan: Start with a plan that fits your budget and upgrade as your business grows. The basic plan starts at $29/month.
  • Leverage Shopify’s App Store: Enhance your store’s functionality with apps for SEO, marketing, inventory management, and customer service.
  • Optimize for SEO: Use Shopify’s built-in SEO tools to improve your store’s search engine visibility, driving more organic traffic.
  • Utilize Shopify’s 14-Day Free Trial: Explore the platform’s features without any financial commitment to ensure it meets your needs.

Amazon Handmade


Amazon Handmade is Amazon’s platform dedicated to artisans selling handcrafted goods. It offers access to Amazon’s vast customer base and logistical advantages, making it a powerful channel for handmade products.

Key Features

  1. Massive Audience: Leverage Amazon’s extensive customer base to reach millions of potential buyers.
  2. Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA): Sellers can use Amazon’s warehousing and shipping services to streamline order fulfillment and provide faster delivery options.
  3. Marketing Tools: Amazon Handmade offers advanced marketing tools, including sponsored products and deals, to boost product visibility.
  4. No Listing Fees: While there is a 15% referral fee per sale, there are no upfront listing fees, making it cost-effective for new sellers.

Tips for Getting Started

  • Create a Professional Selling Account: A professional account is necessary to sell on Amazon Handmade, but the monthly fee is waived for handmade sellers.
  • Optimize Product Listings: Use high-quality images and detailed, keyword-rich descriptions to enhance your product’s appeal and searchability.
  • Utilize FBA: Taking advantage of FBA can save time and offer Prime shipping benefits, increasing customer satisfaction.
  • Stay Competitive: Regularly review pricing strategies and stay competitive with other sellers on the platform.



Wix is a versatile website builder that offers comprehensive eCommerce functionalities. It allows users to create personalized online stores with extensive customization options, making it ideal for sellers who want complete control over their brand’s online presence.

Key Features

  1. Drag-and-Drop Builder: Wix’s intuitive builder enables users to design their stores without any coding knowledge.
  2. Extensive Customization: Choose from over 500 designer-made templates and customize every aspect of your store.
  3. SEO Wiz: Wix’s SEO tools help optimize your site for search engines, improving visibility and attracting more traffic.
  4. Multichannel Selling: Integrate with social media and other platforms to sell directly from your website.

Tips for Getting Started

  • Select a Template: Start with a template that matches your brand’s aesthetic and customize it using Wix’s tools.
  • Focus on SEO: Utilize Wix’s SEO Wiz to set up your site’s SEO, improving your chances of ranking well in search results.
  • Set Up Payment Options: Ensure seamless transactions by integrating popular payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe.
  • Engage with Content: Create engaging blog posts and social media content to drive traffic and build a loyal customer base.



eBay, one of the oldest online marketplaces, allows sellers to list products for immediate sale or auction. It offers a broad audience and flexible selling options, making it suitable for both new and experienced sellers.

Key Features

  1. Auction and Buy It Now Options: Sellers can choose between auction-style listings or fixed-price sales.
  2. Global Reach: eBay’s international presence allows sellers to reach customers worldwide.
  3. Diverse Product Categories: eBay supports a wide range of product categories, from collectibles to electronics.
  4. Seller Protections: eBay offers various protections to ensure fair transactions and support for sellers.

Tips for Getting Started

  • Understand the Fee Structure: Familiarize yourself with eBay’s fees, including insertion fees and final value fees, to avoid surprises.
  • Optimize Listings: Use detailed descriptions and high-quality images to make your listings stand out.
  • Competitive Pricing: Research similar products to price your items competitively.
  • Use Promotions: Leverage eBay’s promotional tools to attract more buyers and boost sales.



Bonanza is an online marketplace focused on unique and handmade items. It offers lower fees than many competitors and allows sellers to create standalone stores, making it an appealing alternative for those looking for flexibility and affordability.

Key Features

  1. Low Fees: Bonanza charges no listing fees and has lower transaction fees, making it cost-effective for sellers.
  2. Standalone Store Option: Sellers can create their own stores within Bonanza, offering more branding opportunities.
  3. Import Tools: Easily import listings from platforms like eBay, Amazon, and Etsy.
  4. Marketing Features: Bonanza provides built-in marketing tools, including abandoned cart recovery and integration with Google Shopping.

Tips for Getting Started

  • Set Up a Standalone Store: Take advantage of Bonanza’s option to create a standalone store to enhance your brand’s identity.
  • Utilize Marketing Tools: Use Bonanza’s marketing features to increase your product’s visibility and recover abandoned carts.
  • Price Flexibly: Be prepared for price negotiations with buyers, as Bonanza supports bargaining.
  • Import Listings: Save time by importing your existing listings from other platforms.


Choosing the right platform depends on your specific needs, business goals, and the type of products you sell. Shopify offers robust features and scalability, making it ideal for businesses looking to grow. Amazon Handmade provides unparalleled access to a vast customer base and logistical support, perfect for artisans. Wix offers extensive customization for those wanting full control over their online store’s appearance. eBay’s auction and global reach appeal to sellers seeking flexibility and a broad audience. Bonanza’s low fees and unique focus make it a great alternative for sellers of handmade and unique items.

Exploring these alternatives can help you find the best fit for your business, ensuring you reach the right audience and achieve your sales goals.

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