Neuralink Brain Implant

Neuralink’s First User: Gaining Independence Through a Brain Implant

Noland Arbaugh is the first person to receive Elon Musk's brain device. The 30-year-old spoke to WIRED about using a computer with his mind and regaining independence.

In 2016, Noland Arbaugh suffered a spinal cord injury while swimming. He recalls diving into a lake and hitting his head, leaving him paralyzed from the neck down. This injury drastically changed his life, making him dependent on his parents and limiting his mobility to a wheelchair. Arbaugh used a mouth-held stick to operate an iPad, but it was challenging and made him feel like a burden.

That same year, Elon Musk co-founded Neuralink, a company focused on developing brain implants. In January, Arbaugh became the first person to receive Neuralink’s device, called Telepathy, in a clinical trial. This brain-computer interface (BCI) translates his brain signals into computer commands, allowing him to move a cursor just by thinking about it.

The implant has significantly improved Arbaugh's independence. Before, he needed help to use his mouth-stick and couldn’t use it for long periods. Now, he can browse the web and play computer games on his own. Neuralink says Arbaugh has set a human record for cursor control with a BCI.

Arbaugh isn’t the first to get a BCI; others like Nathan Copeland have had them for years. Many companies are working on BCIs to help with paralysis, mental health issues, and blindness. Arbaugh shared his experience in the Neuralink study in an interview with WIRED.

 Before the Implant

Arbaugh described his life before the implant as mostly bedridden. He got up only for showers and when visitors came. He spent five years doing very little after his accident but began trying to improve himself by learning new things two years before the Neuralink trial.

 Discovering Neuralink

A friend told Arbaugh about the Neuralink trial. He hadn’t heard of BCIs before and was impressed by what the company aimed to do. He admired Musk's impact on the world and was excited that such significant resources were being directed towards helping people with disabilities.

 The Screening Process

The screening process for the trial took about a month and included Zoom interviews, medical history checks, psychological screenings, and extensive tests at a hospital. This thorough process was to ensure Arbaugh was a suitable candidate.

 Receiving the Implant

When Arbaugh learned he was selected for the trial, he tried to keep his expectations low to avoid disappointment. Despite some initial fears about brain surgery and the potential for the implant to malfunction, he decided to proceed, driven by the desire to help advance the technology.

 Post-Surgery Experience

The day after surgery, Musk announced that the implant was detecting neuron signals. Arbaugh could see these signals in real-time, confirming the device was working. He quickly adapted to using the implant, finding it intuitive and easy to control.

 Using the Implant

Arbaugh can control a computer with minimal effort, often multitasking by listening to audiobooks or watching TV while using the device. Currently, he uses it with a MacBook, but Neuralink plans to expand compatibility to other devices.

Challenges and Improvements

There was a hiccup when some of the implant’s threads detached, affecting functionality. However, adjustments were made, and the device's performance improved. Arbaugh is not worried about further issues, as the implant seems stable now.

 Life Changes

The implant has given Arbaugh more independence, reducing the need for constant assistance and making him feel less of a burden. He believes that gaining independence is crucial for people with severe disabilities.

 Future Aspirations

Arbaugh hopes future versions of the implant will allow control over more devices, like a self-driving car or a robotic caretaker, which could significantly increase his independence.

 Community and Future of BCIs

Arbaugh looks forward to meeting other BCI users and sees a bright future for the technology. He believes that real-time language translation and the ability to write into the brain could be the next big advancements, although the latter raises ethical considerations.

Arbaugh’s journey with Neuralink highlights the potential of BCIs to transform lives by providing new levels of independence and functionality for people with severe disabilities.


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